Victoria Zotz – Pediatric Occupational Therapist

I am so excited to be a part of the Roots 2 Rise Outdoors team. I am a pediatric occupational therapist, who has spent most of my career working in clinic and school settings. Occupational therapy at its heart is about what we do to occupy our time. The foundational idea is that what we are doing, being, and becoming …

The magic of the little things

Dedicated to my dad, Arnie. My dad passed away last year, October 2022. We celebrated what would have been his 80th birthday a few weeks ago. Each day that passes I notice more and more of everything that that has been weaved into the fabric of my life. The deep values my dad and mom instilled in me over my …

Pockets of time and space

In our often rushed and structured lifestyles, kids are typically shuffled along their day, directed into being told what to learn, when to eat, how to play and how much time they have for everything. Children’s programs are typically structured, where the goal is to learn a certain skill, requiring a predetermined set of instructions and lessons for them to …

The need to slow down childhood

Time seems to move faster the older we get! There never seems to be enough of it, yet we somehow keep looking ahead, waiting for the weekend or our next vacation. The world seems to be spinning faster and faster, endless scrolling, newer and better things available all the time, and the striving to reach for something that just seems …